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- prompt
- title
- pfontname
- pfontsize
- fontname
- fontsize
- height
- width
- hottext
- rect
- left
- top
- selected
- btn
- btnheight
- windowstyle
- cdfld
- undocancel
- tabkey
- tocdfld
- bgfld
- tobgfld
- enter
- closeonenter
- visible
- commandperiod
- keypadarrows
- ds
- locktext
- findinmenu
- autoscroll
- badhotreturn
- optionkeylock
- closebox
- window
- There is an error in your AskTextMsg handler
- ERROR: Out of memory
- The requested text is too long and therefore has been truncated to 30,000 characters
- Cannot store text in field
- Illegal setting for that property
- ERROR: Cannot load field text
- Unknown message sent to window
- Inserting that text would result in too many characters
- That property must be true or false
- There is an error in your ATCommandKeyDown handler
- OK
- Cancel
- OKSet
- NoOKSet
- NoOKNoSet
- SetOnly
- FR